Message in the Bottle: First Bottle Found
Date: 12/11/2013
A bottle that Cork City Missing Persons’ Search and Recovery launched off Roches point in Cork on the 04/12/13 as a symbolic gesture to commemorate all missing persons in Ireland on the first missing persons day for Ireland has been recovered. It was recovered from the sea in Wexford on the 10/12/13 half way between Kilmore quay and Carnes point County Wexford.
The bottle was recovered by Kilmore Quay Coast Guard during their search for missing fisherman 55 year old Patrick Barry on day 15 of their continued search.
The contents of the bottle contained pictures and details of all missing persons listed on along with a note asking that the person who would find the bottle would share the information in the bottle with all their
family and friends to raise awareness that these people are still missing.
We are heartened to know that the people who found the bottle were the crew of Kilmore Quay Coast guard while actually searching for missing person Patrick Barry.
Cork City Missing Persons Search & Recovery wish to thank Graham McCarthy deputy officer in charge and his crew for contacting us and agreeing to spread the message, we wish Graham and all his crew at Kilmore Quay Coast Guard and all who are searching for Patrick Barry a safe and successful search.
A candle has now been lit for Patrick Barry his family and all those who are searching for him.